June 17, 2015

Kitchen Counter Compost

For too long, I've used an old yogurt pot for my kitchen counter compost bin. To that, I say, "No more!"

I made this beautiful ceramic container on the wheel out of a low fire red clay. It's adorned with two lug handles and a sturdy lid. I burnished the upper rim of the lid with the back of a spoon, drilled a hole in the lid's center, glazed the underside and fired it upside-down. The pot itself is glazed entirely, save for its underside. This means that all surfaces which will be in contact with food have been sealed with glaze, to prevent unwanted bacteria from growing inside the porous clay. The white handle is a ceramic cabinet fixture. It's basically a decorative bolt with a nut to fasten it.

I have a vermicular compost system outside on my balcony. Whatever goes into this kitchen counter compost eventually gets thrown to the worms, gobbled up and turned into beautiful castings for the garden.

I hope this inspires you to make something beautiful for your own home.

Image of a lidded red clay pot used for kitchen compost

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rebecca,
    I love the warm earthy colour of your kitchen counter compost and the contrast of the white ceramic knob. Sealing it to prevent the growth of unwanted bacteria will definitely help to prevent odours. Looking forward to your next post. Susan


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